Black as Coal
Quando si parla di carbone e di centrali alimentate con questo combustibile fossile ci dovremmo ricordare in quali condizioni sono costretti a vivere i lavoratori che scavano nelle viscere della terra per trovare sempre nuove scorte da bruciare nelle centrali.
Non avete idea di cosa stia parlando? Date un'occhiata a tutte le foto e rabbrividirete con me. Bye, Rex
Coal (48 photos - CLICK!)
Coal occupies a central position in modern human endeavors. Last year over 7000 megatons were mined worldwide. Powerful, yet dirty and dangerous, use of coal is expanding every year, with 2010 witnessing a production increase of 6.8%. Around 70 countries have recoverable reserves, which some estimates claim will last for over a hundred years at current production levels. Mining for coal is one of the world's most dangerous jobs. While deadliest in China, where thousands of miners die annually, the profession is still hazardous in the West and other regions as well. Our mining and use of coal accounts for a variety of environmental hazards, including the production of more CO2 than any other source. Other concerns include acid rain, groundwater contamination, respiratory issues, and the waste products which contain heavy metals. But our lives as lived today rely heavily on the combustible sedimentary rock. Over 40% of the world's electricity is generated by burning coal, more than from any other source. Chances are that a significant percentage of the electricity you're using to read this blog was generated by burning coal. Gathered here are images of coal extraction, transportation, and the impact on environment and society. The first eight photographs are by Getty photographer Daniel Berehulak, who documented the lives of miners in Jaintia Hills, India.
Coal (48 photos - CLICK!)