Chernobyl Forever
23 foto scioccanti, commoventi, impressionanti per non dimenticare quello che ha combinato l'esplosione di una sola centrale nucleare ventisei anni fa. Non ci sono parole di fronte a certe immagini, povera gente. Clikkate sul link per vederle tutte e per sentirvi più vicini alle vittime innocenti di quella tragedia. Bye, Rex
Gerd Ludwig's "Long Shadow of Chernobyl" project (23 photos total)
Gerd Ludwig's "Long Shadow of Chernobyl" project (23 photos total)
Internationally-renowned photojournalist Gerd Ludwig has spent years documenting the aftermath of the Chernobyl
nuclear disaster. In 1986, errors at the plant in Ukraine led to an
explosion that ultimately caused over a quarter of a million people to
permanently evacuate their homes to escape the radiation and radioactive
fallout. Over the course of several trips to the site and the region
for National Geographic Magazine in 1993, 2005, and 2011, Ludwig has
amassed a documentary record of a people and a place irreparably altered
by a tragic accident. His 2011 trip was partially funded by a Kickstarter campaign. Now Ludwig has released an iPad app
with over 150 photographs, video, and interactive panoramas. Gathered
here is a small selection of the work Ludwig has produced over the years
of the still-unfolding tragedy (Fonte: