Tesi Scottante
Classifiche, le abbiamo fatte tutti: dischi, libri, ristoranti... e qualcuno si è divertito anche con i partner sessuali! Ma farne una pseudo tesi di laurea e pubblicarla on line, con tanto di foto, particolari piccanti, grafici e chi più ne ha più ne metta... beh... questo è troppo! Questa studentessa della Carolina del Nord si è decisamente allargata e non per i 13 partner con cui si è sollazzata, ma per la sua spregiudicatezza nel mettere tutto in piazza. In questo can can... naturalmente di amore non c'è traccia, è stato tutto fatto in nome della ricerca scientifica! Leggere per Credere! Bye, Rex
Usa, neo laureata mette online tesi su suoi amanti all'università
La lista è completa di nomi, foto e caratteristiche fisiche dei suoi partner, oltre ai dettagli degli incontri e valutazioni finali. Owen ha inviato il file a due amiche e in pochissimo tempo la classifica è diventata viral pubblicata su diversi siti Internet.

Usa, neo laureata mette online tesi su suoi amanti all'università
La lista completa di nomi, foto e caratteristiche fisiche dei suoi partner, oltre ai dettagli degli incontri e valutazioni finali, questo è il powerpoint fatto circolare da Karen Owen sulla sua vita sessuale alla Duke University
Una neo laureata alla Duke University, in Carolina del Nord, Karen Owen, ha preparato una presentazione in Power Point dei 13 ragazzi con cui ha fatto sesso durante il tempo passato nell’ateneo.
Una neo laureata alla Duke University, in Carolina del Nord, Karen Owen, ha preparato una presentazione in Power Point dei 13 ragazzi con cui ha fatto sesso durante il tempo passato nell’ateneo.
Il testo di 42 pagine è costruito come una falsa tesi universitaria, include grafici e categorie secondo le quali la ragazza ha raccolto “i dati” della sua “ricerca”.
Ora che il documento è visibile a tutti Karen Owen ha rilasciato un’intervista a Jezebel.com, un sito per ragazze che parla di moda, sesso e pettegolezzi, in cui afferma di pentirsi con tutto il cuore, “Non farei mai del male volontariamente alle persone che sono nominate in quel testo”. (Da Quotidiano.net)
College Girl's PowerPoint "Fuck List" Goes Viral
College Girl's PowerPoint "Fuck List" Goes Viral
Duke is in an uproar about a highly detailed "fuck list" that a recent female graduate made — in PowerPoint, complete with penis-size evaluations and dirty talk transcripts. We've got that document, and spoke exclusively to the now-contrite author.
The full document begins at the bottom of the page.
Upon graduating, the author decided to pass on the wisdom she had learned, in thesis format. The subject: "An education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of horizontal academics." The thirteen subjects are each preceded by a tableau of photos of the men, most of which seem to be pulled from Facebook and athletic action shots. (There are lots of athletes on the list, including many players from Duke's lacrosse team, whose behavior has come under scrutiny in the past, though they were cleared of wrongdoing.)
Each man is graded using the following criteria:
The author told us this morning that she never intended for the presentation to go beyond the three friends she sent it to in May, but that recently one friend (who has since admitted to it) forwarded it to another, and it went viral. It has since been sent to multiple listservs, including fraternity listservs.
She pointed out, as did our original tipster, that frats make lists like this all the time. Still, she said repeatedly, "I regret it with all my heart. I would never intentionally hurt the people that are mentioned on that."
She has since deleted or blocked all her social media profiles — the latter-day equivalent of going into hiding. Duke's Dean of Students called her recently, the author told us, to check in. We contacted the Dean of Students, who declined to comment.
The subjects' social prominence as students has helped make this an even bigger deal. "The people that are named in it are the kinds of people that everyone wants to be or be with," the author said. "The top dogs, or whatever."
We're not condoning putting any of these sorts of things in writing or within range of the Internet, especially when using the real names of your partners. But you know what? Here's another reminder that women can be as flip, aggressive, or acquisitive about sex as men can. And there's nothing wrong with that, as long as all parties are consenting. (Of course, these guys didn't consent to have their performances publicly evaluated, but there you go. Again, people, do not put it in writing.)
So what does she say? Well, there were significant ups and downs in the author's experience, but she remained upbeat throughout. A low point:
And when it was good, it was really, really good.
Some of it is downright hilarious:
It was on the cab ride back that I discovered he was rude, Canadian, and spoke mostly in French. Needless to say, the warning flags were waving furiously, yet, in the interest of my research and out of a perverse curiosity, I decided to continue towards his apartments [sic].
And some of it is rather self-aware:
Not only was he incredibly attractive, but at that point in my academic career I was quite insecure, and while I never reached the point of engaging in physical activity with people I found unattractive, I still was more susceptible to compliments than I currently am.
Alcohol is usually involved ("My second hookup with Subject 7 was an entirely new experience for me: a 100% sober booty call"). With one subject, the author blacked out and doesn't remember having sex, but doesn't seem troubled, by her own account. There is some porn-watching, one incident of fucking in a library, and sexting is also a major feature:
Overall, very little regret and lots of good humor. Now that she's apologized, we suggest that she keeps on owning it and then move on, because the fickle Internet surely will. And to anyone else tempted to chronicle their sexual exploits in an easily-reproducible format just... don't do it.
The document in full:
- And now the agents and editors have happily come calling.
- The Today Show jumps into the fray.
- Yet more television coverage indicates that the entire world quite excited by this story.