Toxic Red Sludge

Et voilà! L'ennesimo disastro ambientale è servito, un'intera regione dell'Ungheria è sommersa da una gigantesca ondata di fango tossico. Le immagini parlano da sole: devastazione, morte, desolazione. Sono foto che colpiscono lo stomaco e lasciano una profonda amarezza, foto che non vorremmo mai vedere, ma che servono a scuotere le nostre coscienze. Bye, Rex
A flood of toxic sludge
On Monday, October 4th, a large reservoir filled with toxic red sludge in western Hungary ruptured, releasing approximately 700,000 cubic meters (185 million gallons) of stinking caustic mud, which killed many animals, at least four people, and injured over 120 - many with chemical burns. The 12-foot-high flood of sludge inundated several towns, sweeping cars off the road as it flowed into the nearby Marcal River. Emergency workers rushed to pour 1,000 tons of plaster into the Marcal River in an attempt to bind the sludge and keep it from flowing on to the Danube some 45 miles away. The red sludge in the reservoir is a byproduct of refining bauxite into alumina, which took place at an alumina plant run by the Hungarian Alumina Production and Trading Company. A criminal probe has just been opened by Hungarian authorities. 
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